An Important Man
There was a military general engaged in photographic enjoyment. He had a personal assistant who carried his equipment and water.

Chinese Women Photographers Association
I found the women in red vests curious and found out most of them were retired and took up photography as a hobby. They were exited to be there and at times aggressive in route to get the 'shot.'

Daily Commute
The best way to get deep into the desert from the hotel was via this old ski lift, which was transported from somewhere else in China.

Daily Commute Part 2
Once off the ski-lift and sand leggings donned, we rode a tank festooned as an ancient ship.

Place of Respite
Areas of shade were graciously offered throughout the desert resort.

Mongolian Sand Sculpture
Throughout the desert resort, tourists were entertained and sand was created into art.

Tourism in the Desert
It took me a couple days to understand why anyone would want to take their vacation in the desert heat. I realized that there was no where in China, or elsewhere, like this place.

Walking Towards the Photo Op
A few hundred photographers descended the sandscape to get closer to their photo opportunity, which was supplied by the host.

What is Magnum Doing Here?
Three Magnum photographers were invited to participate in the photo festival, as well as compete with the three best Chinese photographers.

Mongolian Folk Dancers on Break
Just over the border is Mongolia. The resort hired this folk dance group to entertain tourists and guests.

Chasing After the Photo Op
Mongolian dancers were hired to folk dance and performed throughout the desert resort, providing entertainment and photo opportunities.

Another Photo Op
The wait time for dancers or animals to photograph became my time to photograph.

I Was A Photo Op
I was one of 6 westerns in the desert resort. We were all considered a photographic opportunity.

In between activities, kites were flown and decorated the sky.

Mongolian Models
Beautiful tall thin women in fashion dresses were supplied for photographic engagement.

Mongolian Man
And handsome Mongolian men were costumed and poised.

Desert Art Palace
Mongolian inspired music and dance was performed in the art dome, as well as Academy Awards styled award show for China's best photographers.

Camel Ride
We partook of some tourist fun as well. This was our commute to the next activity. Behind us is the Desert Art Palace, which holds exhibitions and performances.

Camels in Route
The resort provided camel rides, horse rides, a zip line, sand sledding, electric kites, music, and dance.

A hundred camels or so were about to be ridden down a sand dune. This was going to be a terrific photographic moment.

Photo Op
My camera was not suited for this kind of photography. I was not suited for this kind of photography.
An Important Man
There was a military general engaged in photographic enjoyment. He had a personal assistant who carried his equipment and water.
Chinese Women Photographers Association
I found the women in red vests curious and found out most of them were retired and took up photography as a hobby. They were exited to be there and at times aggressive in route to get the 'shot.'
Daily Commute
The best way to get deep into the desert from the hotel was via this old ski lift, which was transported from somewhere else in China.
Daily Commute Part 2
Once off the ski-lift and sand leggings donned, we rode a tank festooned as an ancient ship.
Place of Respite
Areas of shade were graciously offered throughout the desert resort.
Mongolian Sand Sculpture
Throughout the desert resort, tourists were entertained and sand was created into art.
Tourism in the Desert
It took me a couple days to understand why anyone would want to take their vacation in the desert heat. I realized that there was no where in China, or elsewhere, like this place.
Walking Towards the Photo Op
A few hundred photographers descended the sandscape to get closer to their photo opportunity, which was supplied by the host.
What is Magnum Doing Here?
Three Magnum photographers were invited to participate in the photo festival, as well as compete with the three best Chinese photographers.
Mongolian Folk Dancers on Break
Just over the border is Mongolia. The resort hired this folk dance group to entertain tourists and guests.
Chasing After the Photo Op
Mongolian dancers were hired to folk dance and performed throughout the desert resort, providing entertainment and photo opportunities.
Another Photo Op
The wait time for dancers or animals to photograph became my time to photograph.
I Was A Photo Op
I was one of 6 westerns in the desert resort. We were all considered a photographic opportunity.
In between activities, kites were flown and decorated the sky.
Mongolian Models
Beautiful tall thin women in fashion dresses were supplied for photographic engagement.
Mongolian Man
And handsome Mongolian men were costumed and poised.
Desert Art Palace
Mongolian inspired music and dance was performed in the art dome, as well as Academy Awards styled award show for China's best photographers.
Camel Ride
We partook of some tourist fun as well. This was our commute to the next activity. Behind us is the Desert Art Palace, which holds exhibitions and performances.
Camels in Route
The resort provided camel rides, horse rides, a zip line, sand sledding, electric kites, music, and dance.
A hundred camels or so were about to be ridden down a sand dune. This was going to be a terrific photographic moment.
Photo Op
My camera was not suited for this kind of photography. I was not suited for this kind of photography.